
Hello paranormal fam, I am an empath,( unfortunately my 3yr old son is too!😥) & we live in a pretty "active" apartment, well as soon as we moved in, I/we started having ALL TYPES of occurrences/incidents with these entities, (i.e things being moved,hid,or knocked over/down) my son would talk to this entity that was for some odd reason most of the time up on the ceiling,in the corner by my front door,WEIRD,I KNOW! And I would ask my son who he was talking to, & he'd say a little boy,but I KNOW DAMN WELL what it probably was at this time...DEMON! Well as time went on, i started noticing his behavior changing rapidly, & not in a positive way! He would all of a sudden get this "POSSESSED LOOK" on his face, & literally would look like my son checked out of his body, & someone else checked in! Well,this certain day the picture was taken i was noticing him doing the "possessed look" more often, & decided to take a few pictures & THAT IS WHAT SHOWED ON IT! There was 2-3 more photos taken seconds apart, & shows "that thing" coming out his nose,going over his head,then onto the floor,then through my wall!!! The STRANGEST THING is that the other 2-3 photos are missing, & they're also missing out of the 2 other people's phones I sent them to!!!
