Seeing myself inside photos and other things - Interacting

Last week, i found myself looking at a photo of a dinner party on my computer in my bedroom. I started looking at it like was i in a trance, i don't know how much time i did that until, snap, i was (or it felt like i was) inside the photo. I was talking with the people, re-living the night, having conversations i didn't even remember but turned out the have happened. After this trance i found myself living in a vivid state inside this photo.

I was baffled and a few days later i tried it again with the same photo and it happened again exactly the same way, but this time i roamed the room more and had conversations i am sure i did not have and noticed small things i did not knew before.

Since then i have been trying this with other photos but only photos related to that dinner night and two people in particular (if i look at those two persons photos, i enter in trance again) does it work.

Does anyone know anything about this event? I am getting scared and don't know what to do... If someone knows something, please help me understand and navigate this.
