Point and Shoot Camera comes out with creepy photos

Previously I posted on my old a bunch of creepy photos that my dad took, I wanna say around 10 years ago. The photos are of a dirty house and in many of the pictures, most actually, there are weird men making creepy faces and other things. They are transparent and some look “smeared”. The pics were on an old Kodak snap and shoot camera which I had tons laying around from camp and whatnot that I never took in to get developed. Well we were moving so I finally took the film in only to discover these horrifying pictures in one of them. I immediately thought it was an issue with the film or how they developed it but when I took it back no one knew what happened, everyone was really creeped out. The only similar thing I’ve ever read about was of a lady a long time ago who kept taking pictures because she was seeing crazy things and when she took the picture it would show the things she was seeing, eventually revealing a bunch of creepy man ghosts lurking around her. My question is who or where should I try to submit these photos? I really want someone to tell me if this is truly a weird camera malfunction or developing problem. I already contacted Kodak right when I got them developed and they had no explanation. Please someone tell wtf is going on here Edit: I posted from my old account in the comments with the link to the pics. There is one in the post and then links to others when you scroll down the comments. Posting it again here to make it easier https://redd.it/6lyapj
