False memories?

Does anyone else have memories that you know happened, but no one else believes you or agrees with you that it did? The best way to explain it is to explain my memory.

I was only about five or six at the time. My dad's work schedule was sometimes random with shifts beginning in the middle of the night so I was used to him leaving at all hours of the day. There was a night when my mom was out somewhere with my sisters. I don't remember what or why they weren't there but I just remember it was only myself and my dad. I remember it being around 10/11pm and my dad tells me we have to go somewhere.

My dad drives me a few miles down to the lake (we live near a lake that borders the US and Canada) and we're walking along the docks. I remember being tired and confused as to why we just came here so late so abruptly. I remember the orange glow of the lamps above the docks and some guy coming up to us. My dad shakes his hand and introduces him to me as one of his friends. The guy pats my head and they talk for like ten minutes. Then we just go home. No explanation or anything.

I've brought it up to him recently and he said it didn't happen. It was very odd because my dad and I never really went anywhere alone, we just stayed at home all of the time. I asked him honestly if it was a drug deal, because that's the only way I can justify it in my head even though no one in my family does any, and he said it wasn't. He said I probably dreamed it but I remember it happening and remember being angry that I wasn't at home in bed because I was so tired.

Does anyone else have memories like this?
