Trying to find information on some things I read about a long time ago

So I remember when I was in elementary school there was this book I would always read during library time that was all about paranormal things. There are two stories I remember pretty clearly but can't find any information on them. They both start off similarly in that the ones who experienced them were hiking.

The first one I believe it was two women hiking (although I could be wrong) and they kept getting the feeling they were being followed. Soon they started to hear what sounded like a giant's footsteps but there was nothing of the sort nearby.

The next one I believe someone was camping and they began hearing gunshots, airplanes, infantry, tanks etc. all around them as if a massive WWII battle had just broken out. This was many years after the war and when he left his tent none of this was happening, but he still heard the noise and everything as if he had time traveled.

Has anyone else heard stories like these/have any information possibly? Thanks so much.
