Here recently within a week of each other I’ve seen something while playing outside with my daughter who is 3. First was at night at a family members house about 200 miles from home and at night. Second in my backyard in the middle of day. First time it looked like a brown bird with maybe a 2ft wingspan than was flying past but not directly in front of us. It was odd because it seemed to be flying low to the ground but also hoping like a rabbit through the air. I thought it may have been a big bat because of the weird way it flew. Second time it was also not directly in front of us but flying higher in the air with a hoping motion. Up down up down. Both times I looked directly at it but I just couldn’t focus on it and it was just gone even though I should of had plenty of time to recognize it distinctly. My daughter also saw it both times and asked what it was. Could just be a random bird but it’s just weird. Our vision is just fine and we don’t wear glasses. Thoughts?
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