I have lived in very remote Australian communities, places no one would have even heard of. And in my time in these towns I have had my share of paranormal experiences, as these towns are old themselves.
One town in particular was the most active I have ever been to. So my step father had applied for a new place to work at and got it, so my mother, my two little sisters and I all packed up and we left for the new town.
Things started out pretty normal...I mean I finally though paranormal events would stop after leaving the last house and town, I was so wrong! Within two months small things began, running up the hallway and out on our wooden porch. We would always ask who was in the hallway? Never a response. My parents thought I was crazy when I explained the noises, I also at first thought it must have just been my little sisters running around late at night....until my first night alone in the house.
Due to us living in a remote area we had to shop far away, I was also on online distance education and I couldn’t miss out on a lesson so I stayed home. Due to how long the travel was just to go food shopping they always stayed overnight at a motel for some sleep.
The footsteps continued....and no one was home besides me and my dog curled up on my legs. It was like someone was running up the hallway, the house would always shake when someone walked through the hallway as well...and it shook. My dog began to go crazy! I grabbed my phone to then turn my room light on, I swung the door open and nothing was there.
I told my parents, they told me I was just imagining things. That was until one night when me and my mother were home alone, we were sitting on the lounges watching a cooking show when we heard footsteps behind us in the hallway. I told my mother that’s what I hear every night. My mother of course didn’t believe it at first and just brushed my remark off, until the noise began outside on the porch. She turned the volume all the way down and listened, nothing happened, so we turned it back up. That’s when the noise happened again, something was on the porch and in the hallway. She was just staring at me for a while, I got up and turned the lights on and nothing of course was found.
So it started out pretty small with just noises. And that’s when things started to get crazy, something decided to take up the spare room besides mine. This room was never used as it was a spare for guests, we also stored stuff in there. Noises began to come from it, knocking, tapping, things clicking and moving. Curiosity got the best of me one night, I decided to tap on the wall after I heard a noise from the room. Nothing happened until I gave up and decided to go back to browsing Instagram on my phone, a tap came from right behind my head!
So noises were happening at this moment. And then that’s when thing escalated from there, banging against the outsides walls started! I am not lying I know this sounds crazy, it was if something ran around the outside of the house and knocked on the walls! Now, you could say this was an animal but I will explain why I don’t believe it was. It happened most nights and it was always the same, it began on one wall and was knocked around ten times a few seconds in between until it got to the next wall. This is when I lost it, my mother was hearing this as well!
My step father always brushed it off as if it was nothing, deep down I could tell he knew something wasn’t right.
So one night while my mother and step father were at the pub they were told about the “curse”....yep. Apparently the reason no indigenous peoples lived in the town was because they believed it to be cursed, after the massacre of their people on the land it was supposedly cursed land. I am not lying when I say only two indigenous Australians lived in town either. And on top of that they were being told stories of paranormal activity at other peoples houses. One person stated that every night they heard someone fall down their stairs!
Due to the massacre on this land most of the indigenous peoples bones still remained scattered. When I was there two more bodies were actually found behind a gun club.
Now sounds were one thing...but physical things are another.... I was watching a movie in my bedroom and got up to get some water, so to the left is my little sisters room and to the right is the spare room. I stepped out of my room when a large shadow figure ran across in front of me from the left to the right....this fucking scared to me so badly! I just stopped and I swear my brain rebooted 😂 I told my mother shaking and explaining what had happened...I was told I was seeing things by my step father, my Mum...I don’t know how she took it.
A few months after this happened I actually left. So I am not sure how things are in that house at the moment, all I know is I’m glad I’m out. Nothing bad has happened since I have moved so far...I hope I haven’t jinxed myself.
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