I was attacked by a nighthag

A few months ago (maybe over Christmas) I was sleeping on a couch in my basement. The couch faces a screen with a projector pointed at it. While I was sleeping, I had left the projector on and the default blue screen was showing.

While laying down I woke up for a short while and saw an extremely dark figure standing in front of the projector screen in a pose that was both aggressive and facing me. This doesn’t make sense because if there was a solid object in front of the projector light then it would’ve lit said object up a bright blue. Instead, this silhouette or figure had no light on it and was almost like an intense shadow.

After seeing this I wasn’t awake or coherent enough to get up and understand exactly what I was seeing and ended up slipping back to sleep.

The next time I woke up I opened my eyes to see the dark figure standing or kneeling right in front of me as I was sleeping on the couch. I was startled so I tried to lurch up out of fright. To my horror I couldn’t get up. I felt a massive pressure on my chest. I couldn’t do much of anything but look at this figure pushing down with both hand directly on my chest. I could also kick my feet which didn’t do much.

After about 20-30 seconds the figure was just gone and I could sit up. The first thing I did was say “what the f***?” and that was it.

FAST FORWARD about a month ago I was thinking about this experience and how crazy it was. While listening to the H3H3 podcast I heard a paranormal story from Harley Mornstein that sounded very similar to my experience. I researched other stories like this and I found a spirit called a night hag that is said to sit, or in my case, push on their victims chest to hold them down for some unknown but hateful reason.

I’m not sure why I’m sharing this only now. I don’t use reddit all that often but thought someone might have some input or thoughts about this.

I also am aware of sleep paralysis but I don’t think this is a case of that because I have never suffered from that and I was also able to move my limbs and struggle against the pushing on my chest.
