I might be seeing auras?

I got up around noon, feeling awful because I had a little too much to drink last night. I was sitting in a chair watching TV and glanced outside to see a woman jogging down my street. Immediately I saw this bright blue glow sort of coming off of her body. Initially I thought that my eyes were playing tricks on me. Maybe I was just sick/tired, something like that, so I rubbed my eyes and looked back out the window and the woman still had this blue glow around her. She ran off out of sight and that was it.

Later on, my little brother came over and I was surprised to see that he had a glow too, but his was purple. More like light purple. Lavender, I guess. He only stopped by briefly, but the glow didn't fade the entire time he was here.

I didn't leave the house today, so I didn't really get the chance to see if I could see anyone else's. It's kind of freaking me out because the logical part of me is convinced that there's something seriously wrong with my eyes. I don't know, man.

I don't know if this is important (it might be, hell), but I have something called Visual Snow Syndrome, which basically means I see the world through a low quality lens (like when you're filming with your phone in a low lit area and the picture gets kind of grainy? Like that.) Another symptom is lingering afterimages. At first I thought that seeing the glow had something to do with that, but I'd never seen anything like it before. The glow was consistent around the body and had a clear color.
