Obligatory not my first language.
So I posted about an experience about a month ago, which led me to seek spiritual help. The only thing we have in the town I currently live is a little Kardecist spiritism center, with one medium only. I went to her, and as we talked, I started recalling unrelated previous experiences. One of which I thought was interesting enough to share with you guys:
This happened in 2010. I was 16 and had just started college, after moving from a small town to a big city. It wasn't the best of times. I picked up on some habits then that I'm still not completely over. So, after one long night of indulgence, I was dragging my drunk/high/tobacco filled half-conscious body though the streets, hoping I would eventually reach home, when, some 30 meters ahead, I saw a barking dog.
It was a small dog, one of those breeds which are just rage fueled little devils, so I chalked it up to exactly that, crossed to the opposite side, and kept on walking, that was the only street I could take. I have really poor eyesight, and can barely see forms when they're far from me. But that was definitely a dog. And it was barking at something. But what?
As I walked forward, I started having random goosebumps. I could see the dog was barking at the curb, and it would sometimes spin around itself, and start barking again. Eventually, I came close enough to identify the form of a person, sitting at the curb, writing in what seemed to be a book at their knees. They were very small, and were using a light dress with some kind of pattern spread all around, I assumed then it was a girl. By her size, I measured her up to be about 8 years old, but as she was sitting with her face down that estimate could be a little off. As much as I try, I could't remember exaclty her hair style or color, nor the color of her skin.
Anyway, being the very shy still in the closet motherfucker that I was, whenever there was somebody who could potentially stare at me as I was passing by (so pretty much anybody), I would just keep walking with my head straight and act like there was nobody there. I'm sure someone out there can relate. So I identify it was a girl and her dog. Okay, nothing to see here, business as usual. It hadn't even dawned on me what time it was. I prepared to look straight ahead and just continued walking forward.
Then the dog noticed me, and started barking at me and walking in my direction. I figured if I just kept moving and didn't do anything rash, it would be cool, I would be outta there in a second. Well, the dog started to bark even more frantically. It sounded straight up desperate, so I started to get a little like that too. I picked up my pace, never looking at them, and was about to sprint my way from there, when the dog snuck up on me and bit my ankle for like half a second. I was wearing flip flops. That dog could have carved its teeth right inside the back of my foot, and left a pretty bad bruise, but it didn't. It felt like more of a warning, or attention seeking. It didn't even hurt, but it took me by surprise, so I turned around and I might have shouted a bad word or two. The dog ran away from me, looking scared, and my eyes locked with the girl's. I wasn't close enough to see her looking at me, as I said, my sight is really shitty, but I just knew she was looking at my eyes, and not just at my general direction. She didn't say a thing. After some awkward seconds I blurted "if your dog bites, you really shouldn't leave it outside like that". I didn't wait for a reply. Some kind of dread started growing up inside my belly, I just had to leave. When I turned around I heard, a lot closer and louder than what I thought it would be: "it's not mine".
And I was out of there. One step after the other, never looking back. I could still hear the dog barking many streets after that particular spot. When I got home I checked the time. About 3:30 AM. WTF. Time to sleep and never think about it again. Well, I thought about it again. It just took me about 8 years.
One of the things the medium explained to me is that I might have a good natural mediunity, and she wants to try and coach me into it, to which I'm giving serious consideration.
TL;DR: Was kinda out of my mind and without glasses at 3:00 AM. Saw a little girl writing in a journal of sorts, accompanied by a very confused dog.
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