4518 van tyle- The haunted furbys (#5 true stories)

4518 vantyle- the haunted furbys

Okay so the title sounds funny/humorous what have you- but trust me its not funny- My step sister amber, Me and Ambers friend Amber D all got furbys for christmas- so of course we would play with them together and all those things you do when you all have the same toy-

Our mistake was- we brought them to my dads house.

T.j- my furby was especially odd- He had his own personality and Would constantly tell me how much he loved Ambers furby Koko Even when he was supposed to be sleeping he would wake up- (without me or anyone touching him) And tell me so with a dreamy sigh. I would just reply with a "I know T.j, I know..."

One day Ambers furby Got Reset somehow- And she of course got a new name... which Was Kada.

T.J was not pleased.

When Kada introduced herself- T.J replied with. "No- you koko me T.j. Tj loves koko" Which is just odd in itself because furbys computer chips dont ACTUALLY allow for real personalities- look it up online- you'll see what I mean.

another thing that I remember is that Amber D and her furby had stayed over with Amber and I at dads. We set our furbys in a row on the dresser after putting them to sleep then we all went to bed- However when we woke up the next morning- Amber and Amber D's furbys had T.j backed against the wall- mouths open and An evil expression on thier face- T.J on the other had looked Terrified. AS though they were simply frozen in the middle of whatever act they were going to do.

Anyone whos owned a furby knows for a fact that theres no way they're mouths would stay open unless you super glued it.... so I just dont know...

soon after that however we all got rid of them....

they creeped us out too much.

Amber actually shot hers with a 22. And I sold Tj at a garage sale.

Im not sure What Amber D did with hers.

But I'll never own a furby again.
