4518 Vantyle- the backyard skeletons
If you walked into my dad's kitchen- there were two huge windows in the back of it that showed the backyard, and the backyard had two barns- a big barn and a smaller storage one- behind them were the woods and a trail on either side of them that led to the clearing my dad would use for his huge parties...
It was winter and I just happened to look out of these windows one night to look at the newly fallen snow-
And I never wanted to look out them ever again.
Next to the large barn there was a pole. and inbetween this pole and the barn was a skeleton figure...with hollowed eyes and nostrils- pure white with a creepy grin- He would just stand there and stare towards the house- Then he would move foreward- look to both sides of the barn (where there were others hiding near other objects in the back- 6 that I saw altogether) then dissapear behind the barn for a few moments only to come back and stare some more at the house.
They creeped me out- and they are the reason I never went outside at night.....
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