Woman in the apartment

My boyfriend and his roommate moved into their apartment at the beginning of the year and from the first day of being in there, it creeped me out. The boys are pretty skeptical about anything supernatural happening and wrote it off whenever I would talk to them about experiences I was having.

The first time going in, something in the back of my head told me there was a woman downstairs in the kitchen area that I automatically wanted to call Martha. Also, a little boy that is upstairs that we call David. Nothing has swayed me to think that way, it just came to me. I’ve always been uneasy being down there while the boys were upstairs, but I always just tried to hurry what I was doing to go back upstairs.

It started out with just little stuff, like chairs moving and knocking on doors. The biggest and most convincing experience for me was when my boyfriend was asleep in his room and his roommate and I were in the computer room hanging out. He was sitting at his computer and I was at my boyfriend’s. We were talking, (coincidentally about me feeling weird in the apartment) when the lights just shut off.

My first thought is that the power went out, but the computers were still on and I could see the roommate’s closet light on. He stands up and says, “maybe the lights burnt out.”

He goes to the light switch to see it flipped off. He flips it and the lights are back on. We both look at each other and were really taken aback by it. About 10 minutes later after calming down, he goes downstairs to get something to eat. When he comes back, he asked if I locked the door. I ALWAYS lock the door coming through, I’m a nervous person who is paranoid about someone getting in for some reason. After assuring him I did and that I was certain of it, he shows me that the front door is wide open.

I didn’t go back over for a few days because I was extremely spooked by it. I still won’t be there alone, and I make one of them walk with me if I go downstairs.
