Strange reoccurring noise in my house

Hi everyone, I wanted to ask your opinions on what might be causing a noise I constantly hear in our house but nobody else seems to be able to hear. So we live in a fairly old house, about 60 or so years old. We know for a fact a lady by the name of Rose died here at some point and we have had some weird occurrences in this house but they're a tale for another time. I keep hearing this noise in our house every so often, happens at any time randomly day or night. It sounds like a woman yawning or sighing, it tends to change in pitch and volume each time, sometimes it can be so quiet I barely register it and sometimes its so loud it sounds like its coming through a megaphone.

It never really freaked me out until every time it happens, despite it being quiet as hell overall I can ask my mum or whoever I'm with if they just heard that and each time they say "heard what?" and when I explain what I heard they just give me a funny look. Last time I heard it was a couple days ago, I was in our downstairs bathroom washing my hands and I heard it clearly in the hallway, no one was home but me on this occasion. Despite me getting the chills at the hearing of it right outside I carried on and tried to ignore it, not 30 seconds later it happened again but this time it was right in my ear, literally as if someone had walked right up to me and sighed loudly in my ear. I won't lie I freaked the fuck out, spun round and got outside.

Any idea what might be causing this? I don't have any history of psychosis, schizophrenia or anything like that, all my wits are there. I honestly have no idea what this is.
