Spirit Wanted A Friend

I was about six or seven years old and in my bed. It was morning, and for some reason I felt like there was someone in my room. I wanted to be sure, so I kept saying "hey" over and over again. Until I heard this very faint and sweet voice of a child say "hey" back. I immediately went silent and was confused. It could have been my imagination, but it sounded nothing like my voice, and what I'm going to tell next might be connected to it.

Around the same age, when I was 7 or 8, I woke up every night. I felt afraid, like something was coming to harm me, and I would sometimes "see" bad things. But tbh that was usually my sheets or towel shaped a weird way to look like a face. I would scream for my mother, and she would calm me down. But she was very worried.

She ended up talking to these I guess psychic people, who came to our house unexpectedly. A friend and I were playing upstairs, when my mother and these two people walked upstairs and into my room. They started talking about a spirit being in the wall(?) of my bedroom. It was a spirit that wanted to befriend me because it was lonely. They told us that we needed to buy four rose quartz gemstones, and put them on all the corners of my bed. As they would form a shield of protection from both good and bad spirits alike. Also that I should sleep with a bunch of my plushies, to show that I already had enough friends and didn't want to befriend the spirit.

We did what we were told and that night I tried to sleep again, even though I was scared of the spirit. Since the day I was told about the spirit, I had horrible nightmares for two weeks straight. Not a single good dream, and I would wake up for like three minutes (idk) after every nightmare, and feel very uneasy. I remember crying because I just wanted to have a good dream again.

Sometime during the second week of these nightmares, I had a strange dream. My bed was bigger and almost looked like a wrestling ring. And all my plushies were standing on the side. And there was another girl about my age, just a bit taller, I don't clearly really remember how she looked. But she was really mad at me and we fought. In the end I managed to "win" the fight. And sometime after that, these nightmares stopped and I didn't feel a presence like that spirit again.

Also just to clarify, the rose quartz gems weren't sold by these psychics and my mother didn't pay them to come over. So they wouldn't profit from making all of that up as far as I know.
