Here are a few experiences with the unknown as I have come to see them as.....
When I was younger, I used to see a elderly woman trying to comfort me when I got sick. She would stroke my hair and hum. I can still hear her tune and the smell still appears every now and again.
I saw a dark shadow standing at the edge of my bed. My mother asked me one day if I was standing at the edge of my bed. I had another person say that when I lived with them they had shadows walking around and could hear footsteps.
I was about 9 when I saw a woman in my closet. My family would spend weekends downstairs on Friday nights. One night, we had heard something upstairs. We looked up there and nothing was out of the ordinary except for some bears were right above where we would be. We quickly went downstairs and went back to what we were doing. Then we heard a bang from the closet under the stairs. We opened the door only to see a woman in our closet. My aunt quickly closed the door. I reopened it about five seconds later only to find her not there. No footprints only the smell of primrose.
When my uncle passed away, I stayed with my cousin to make sure he was doing ok. One night I could hear his father in the next room, only to see him sitting there on the couch. I went to go to the kitchen and he disappeared. I told my cousin and he said that his fathers favorite spot was on that couch.
I used to be able to see things more prominently but as I am getting older, things have been getting weirder. My nephew and nieces would be playing I would see something out of the corner of my eye playing with them.
One night, while working my overnight shift at my old job, I got scratched. My coworker saw it appear and disappear. The next night which was my day off, a candy cart moved itself out and to the left as if someone was going to work on it.
I feel tugging on my feet at night when I am the only one awake.
I have a doll that my mother bought, we would position the doll in the curio cabinet only to find it somewhere else in the house when we awaken. We have heard whispers when we walk past it.
My family has an heirloom, its an old painting from before the Holocaust that causes people to get dizzy around it and we have heard someone speaking from it many times.
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