Shadow Spirits or Glitch in the Matrix?

So this is a collection of experiences from one night, only about 10 years ago (I'm 28 now) in one of my old homes. I will number the experiences in order they happened throughout the night, one of which is recollected from my friend's point of view.

Typical Friday night, everyone was out at the local football club, near our local hospital, getting wasted. Me and my friend (let's call her T) were running late as we decided to chill out at mine for some computer games and food. I cooked us up some gourmet tater tots and fish fingers in the oven, we ate like Kings.

At about 2300, we arrived to the football club to everyone else being COMPLETELY wasted. Me and T, being the only sober people, took it upon ourselves to wrangle everyone up and get them home safely. As were near to A&E as well, we knew we'd be able to get any medical help if required also.

Experience 1 - I've gone to help one drunken friend (we'll call him W) who seemed to have fallen over in the car park. He always wore hoodies back then and he was sat on the gravel, hood pulled up over his head. Upon approaching him, as I reached out to his shoulder, I heard someone shout my name. Looking up, it was W, waving at me from the otherside of the car park, laughing at me. I looked down again, no one and nothing there.

Experience 2 (from T's POV) - T had gone to collect another drunken friend (her name will be A) who was currently running through the field next to the old Ward 5 (coincidentally, a mental health ward), being a complete ***hole. T lost sight of A as she hid behind a bush. As T gained ground and reach the bush, she trod on the bush to find no one behind it. Turning round, she found A running through the field back to the car park where myself and W currently were.


Experience 3 - Whilst doing the 45 minute round trip, walking the drunkards to taxis and to their homes, T and I noted that there were a lot of trollies/push carts along the way. This wouldn't be so weird as the walk was near and around a supermarket, what made it weird was the increased number of these trollies and that one of the trollies had a deflated children's balloon tied to its handle, I remember it being blue with a large 3 on it. We kept seeing the same deflated balloon on a trolley. Every four or five trollies, the next was the one with a deflated balloon. Me and T would look at one another without saying anything and walk faster.

After everyone was home safely, T walked with me back to mine as it was about 0200 we decided it safer for them to stay at mine. We shared my single bed and we chatted a little before trying to go sleep.

Experience 4 - Now this is when things got really weird for us both. Everytexphing from here, we experienced together, at the same time. We questioned each other throughout, I would ask her what she saw, for her then to confirm the same thing without me describing it to her. ANYWAY, it started with the room becoming darker, despite a street lamp being opposite by bedroom window. It was like something sucked the light from the room. The shadows in the room started to shiver, almost buzz with movement. When this movement seemed to increase we noticed a shadow build on my computer chair, morphing into what we could only describe as a hunched over person. This shadow remained still, not moving, just watching us. We couldn't explain why but this shadow scared us, i remember feeling T huddle against me, gripping my arm as we watched this shadow. We could see other shadows moving across the ceiling, through my dresser mirror and around the room, buzzing and vibrating. Sounds disappeared, I couldn't even hear T breathing beside me or traffic from the road outside, just my own breathe almost screaming in my head.

This entire experience lasted what felt like forever then, nothing. It ALL diappeared almost instantly, sound and light rushed back into my room. T turned to me with tears almost in their eyes. We spoke quietly about what happened, trying to make sense. We couldn't!

T eventually fell asleep, still huddled against me. I followed shortly after.

The next morning we spoke about it again, still unsure what happened. We tried considering things logically. Neither us had done any drugs the night before and as we were on sober duty, we hadn't drunk anything either. Even if we had, there was no way we wouldnt have had the EXACT same experience in my room.

That night filled our conversations for years after, we could never come to conclusion.
