[Question] Regarding the Elisa Lam murder, why is there only video footage from within the elevator? Why aren't there security cams in the actual hallways, staircases or even one by the door the leads to the roof?
I honestly don't know where to put this. I didn't want to post this to /r/conspiracy because I don't want to add to all of the crazy theories. However, I personally don't think this murder case has anything to do with the supernatural. Personally, I think she got in those tanks herself, she couldn't get out and she drowned.
I do find it really weird that the ONLY footage of her is taken by a security camera in the elevator. WHERE'S THE REST OF THE SECURITY CAMERAS?! I know in Illinois, it's against the law for security cameras to record sound inside hotels and motels. Is there some law in California that prohibits security cameras PERIOD except for elevators and probably the lobby?
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