My brother has some sort of binding with a demon and i can't break it.

When my brother was little his biological father did a demonic ritual on him where it involved getting 2 goats eyes and making him see through the goats eyes. He did some other things but my brother only told me his father "binded" his soul with a demon. My brother since that moment in his life has had terrible asthma, horrifying dreams; everything he does goes terribly wrong and everyone says he has the worst luck in the world. Nothing he does prospers and he always seems to lose everything he has. It's not even that he's clumsy, its just ridiculous how nothing he tries to do goes his way. He has barely any jewelry or clothes anymore because they all keep "disappearing" and he tells me he keeps seeing demons in his dreams. His life is terrible and miserable and when my pastor tried to do an exorcism on him, my pastor got afraid and ran away the moment he touched his forehead. What the hell do i do or tell him?
