Most Secret and Shocking Military Base - Chernobyl Forests

The most secret and shocking military-scientific base is located in the FORESTS around CHERNOBYL.

"Introduction". There are REAL EXPERIMENTS on humans and animals, genetic mutations and... non-human race; psychotronics, cybernetics, electronic and chemical warfare improvement, secret aeronautical projects and much more. However, there isn't a real flying area, flight tests are not conducted there, but at a take-off and landing runway nearby and visible from satellite maps.

"Structure". The base (дом) is located above ground as discrete and rare facilities, and up to 350 ft. UNDERGROUND protected from any radiation. Security includes a sophisticated circuit around the entire area. Sentinels are rarely sighted, but they constantly monitor the district. Various floors (номера) are completely armored and connected by super fast lifts.

"The Management". The command is managed by a Commission of 13 Leaders (Мастера Судьбы) with every power, greater than any armed force or government.

"Members". Each member, once selected and matriculated, can not abandon the operation until death; they are inserted a microchip impossible to locate and remove.

Scientists (ученые) from all over the world work on this base.

Members involved in finding the right people for the experiments are marked by a sort of stylized Caduceus on the left hand. They use black jeeps without brand. (искатели)

The Torturers (мучители) are often the same persons abducted and mentally compromised.

"The project". The most important project (победа) is based on the creation of NEW FORMS OF LIFE. In this regard, they are authorized to conduct experiments on various people targets. Machines are used that can affect the mind of the subjects and partially remove the memories. Torture, mutilations, mental input, abortions, hybridization, human cryogenics, fake memories, blood and organs collect, induction to killing, replacing organic parts with robotics, ... People are kept in cages for years. High voltage, freezing, burning, drowning, chocking, deprivation of breath, food and sleep, sensory deprivation, isolation, obligation to remain standing for days, upside down positioning, be placed at the bottom of a water well, obligation to kill or torture people and so on. Iron maiden, Brazen Bull, Thumbscrew, Rope Torture, The Rack, Tongue Tearer, Breast Reaper, Breaking Wheel, Saw Torture and many other torture machines and techniques are used daily.

"Remembrance" Unfortunately (or fortunately) something went wrong and they were not able to remove my memories. It all happened one night when I lost consciousness after one of them offered me a drink. I was put in a sort of coffin for six months, kept alive by machinery and completely conscious. They inflicted me the worst physical and mental perceptions. Sensations were imprinted on me, like branded fire. Every night I relive the same perceptions, and so it will be for my whole life.

"Research" If someone else has memories of something like this happened, contact me in private.

Every other detail (including physical and other shocking signs, maps that I managed to draw, precise location, better description, involvement of third parties and others) will be given on a hidden web site

This description will be updated with reference to the questions asked.
