Mandela Effect?

When I was a child (I'm 52 now, so this would have been in the mid to late 70's) I distinctly remember seeing either a TV show or a horror anthology movie that featured a story where a mother brings her dead son back to life, but it turns out she had been abusive and her son had no wish to come back. What she summoned instead was a demon that attacked her, then fade to black. My most vivid memory is the show's last line, from the demon: "Your son didn't want to come back. So he sent me."

Here's where things get odd. I never saw this again and just assumed it was a TV movie or show lost to time. Then I saw "Trilogy of Terror II", which had the same exact story. That movie was made in 1996, so I know that it wasn't the movie I remembered. I've tried to find the movie or show I remember from my childhood, but no luck.

Does this ring a bell for anyone, or am I having my own personal experience of the Mandela effect?
