I have never shared this here before - an encounter with a Shadow Person

Hello to you all. I am a 44 year old health care professional, living in the Southern US. I have been avidly interested in learning about the supernatural and the unexplained my entire life. Despite searching for evidence, the single encounter I have ever had happened to me unexpectedly at home. I share it now in the hope it will help someone.

Our home is very newly constructed, built about 2010 on a location that had previously been vacant. It is a two story house that has no sinister feel to it at all. It is just a family home for myself, my wife, and my son.

I snore terribly at night sometimes, and had a habit of waking in he middle of the night and going downstairs to sleep on the couch so my wife wouldn’t be disturbed and could get some rest. This has only happened one night, but I will never forget it. I was laying on the couch, street light streaming through our windows. The rear of our neighborhood was not yet constructed or complete, so we had a lot of ambient light entering the room. I felt a difference in the air.... almost a charge, and noticed the lights dimming as if they were on a dimmer switch. Darker and darker it became, outside and inside the house. The patches of blackness became deeper pools of midnight, and up above, where the wall met the ceiling, a patch of darkness pulled itself out from the wall. It was the torso of a humanoid, head, chest, arms... completely darker than the surrounding room save for two burning coals of eyes with which I had the awful feeling it was observing me, cocking it’s head left and right almost curiously. I say frozen for what seemed like long moments before it reached some sort of decision, or it’s time was up, and it pulled itself back into the wall/ceiling and disappeared. Immediately the ambient light sources began to return to regular strength, and I hurried back up to the bedroom to check on my wife, who was fine and had seen nothing. I have had no more experiences since this single encounter, and it was over five years ago. Please share your thoughts with me.
