Footsteps from the stairs of two-floors house

This happened two years ago, around the beginning of April, 2016. Back then, I was about to move from the university dorm to a two-storey house with 5 other peoples. We didn't move in the house at the same time, rather two people who moved in one week earlier than the rest, me included. Because the other one was a girl so we had to sleep in different rooms. I chose to stay on second floor and the girl chose to sleep in a room downstairs. That first night, I heard occasional footsteps coming from the stair (my room is right next to the stair, my room's door was closed too), I then thought it was my friend coming to 2nd floor to explore other rooms (And yes, I legitimately thought that. We didn't have time looking into every room in the afternoon 'cause we had to sort out stuffs and settled everything in our own room). I wanted to call out to say that she should go back and sleep since we were all tired but in the end I just ignored and later slept anyway. Next morning I asked her if she really did go upstairs to look around, and surprised yet she denied and said that she remained in her room and didn't even get close to the stairs... I was stunned, then quickly I told her about what I heard last night. She laughed then said that I must have had a weird dream or something like that. I knew I was not dreamimg, because I was still well awaked, and was reading new feeds on Facebook). I tried to convince myself that it was something rather than footsteps, might be the noise of the wooden floor since our house was pretty old. Then that night I didn' hear anything else. It could have just ended all good if it hadn't for in the next morning, my friend asked me the same question, she said she heard footsteps from upstairs and sound of the toilet door got shut and she thought it was me who were going to toilet. I said I didn't know shit about it then she repeated everything, assured me that she didn't hear wrong... Until this very moment I still don't know what exactly we had heard at the time. But what I'm sure is sometimes we would have to gather and blame each other for not turning off the lights a bathroom or toilet room, or not closing the front door properly and just to find out no one knows about it at all... A little more information for who are interested: My house is located in a small neighborhood in the suburb of Okayama, Japan. The house's owner went to another city due to working requirement (heard from estate guys, so might be wrong)
