Did I see something paranormal when I was younger?

When I was younger I experienced 2 things I can't really explain and through the years I can't really place since it was a while ago.

  1. I will start with the experience which is for me the most real one. I was probably 6 or so years old and I was scared and went to my mom's bed to sleep with her, I did that quite often. This room is on the second floor. I heard people outside or something so I watched the window. Then i saw some kind of shadow on the closed curtain, it was a man doing a typical kid of evil laugh, with back arched and stuff. I explained it to my mom the day after and she said it was probably a shadow from someone outside, since I heard people but this is impossible. I saw the 'man' on the entire curtain, almost from the top entirely to the bottom, but the window isn't that big. I DEFINITELY saw this, I just don't know if it's real or my scared kid brain made it up.

  2. The other was when I was slightly older, 8 at max. Once again, I went to my mom's bed to sleep there (I was a scaredy cat ok) I opened my door and I rememer stopping in the doorway because some kind of ghost(?) was walking down the upstairs hallway and then vanished into the wall. I remember looking at it the entire time, and I also remember not being scared back then, I was scared with experience no1. I'm not as confident about this experience but I definitely saw this.

To me this can mean two things, either something paranormal or I made it up because I was scared and creative and very young.

As I said I definitely saw those things I just can't explain it, if you have any ideas please let me know.
