I wanted to share something that I recently recalled happening to me awhile ago. There was a camp in Malibu canyon called "Lazy J Ranch Camp" and my parents sent me for two weeks when I was 8 or 9, and it was the only sleep-away camp that I made my parents pick me up early from. I went to a bunch of SoCal sleep away camps and I have never experienced anything like this in my life, I slept in my parents bed for like 6 weeks after... The camp had A LOOOT of land, and it was mountainous and literally in the middle of nowhere. The boys barracks were directly behind the outdoor stables for the horses, yet there was no stable, they would chain the horses up directly behind our cabin in a big raised polo type field. In-between the bunks and the fence they would chain the horses to was like a 5-6 foot sloped dirt hill that hit the foundation of the bunk. One day 6 or so boys in my cabin were throwing pebbles at the girls barracks and we use the path behind our bunk to sneak in and out of the bunk without our counselor noticing. We ran back and forth exhausted playing this game until the 6 of us ran back for a final time through the alley-way just below the horse fence. As we were sneaking back, we looked up and saw a girl, maybe 7 or 8 years old sitting on the top of the horse fence bar, which was level to the roof of the barracks. Someone from the 6 boys said something like "Hey what bunk are you in, we won't throw rocks at that bunk if you don't say it was us!", and the girl started like swinging back and forth on the fence using her hands to support her, and we all were like...wtf is she doing up there? Someone else from the group shouted at her and was like "do you even go here horse girl" because we could see this kid like clear as day and she was not in any of the bunks, nor had any of the 3 meals with our age groups throughout the week. Within seconds the girl looked behind her as if something came up to her, like a horse, because the was looking to pet it, but we couldn't see past the fence because it was on a small hill above us. Within seconds this girl was thrown from the fence and did like summersaults down the hill all fucked up and contorted and she came to rest about 5 feet in front of the first person in the alley, I was behind him, and we all freaked out screaming like little girls because this girl was like a pretzel lying against the foundation of our cabin/barrack/bunk/whatever you want to call it. We SCREAMED so hard and ran to our counselor and he got up and went back there and I swear to god there was nothing there. We had ran maybe 30 feet around the corner from where this girl was lying to get an adult and there was nothing. Mind you, this is a group of 8 year old boys, none of us over the age of 10 at this point. Our counselor got so mad at us, but too many of us had seen it to just let it be, and we all wanted to go home THAT MINUTE, some of the kids that saw it were so scared they had full blown tantrums to get their parents on the phone. Our counselor had to call the owner of the camp, or CEO/Manager (the guy you're scared of with a walkie talkie and a golf cart) and we all told him what happened. The response to the matter was probably the weirdest thinking back on it. After we told our stories to the camp manager, he looked at us in complete shock, he was speechless. The guy goes on to say, "who can stay the rest of the week and have a really fun time!" and like 5/6 of us were adamant that we wanted HOME NOW (which thinking about it is pretty bad on the camp because my parents totally could've been on vacation instead of shipping me off for the two weeks). He then goes on to tell us that before the camp there was a horse ranch mainly, and that one of the horse rancher's daughter used to feed the horses daily for a while. One day she was sitting on a railing and a horse came up from behind her wanting food and she got scared and fell forward down the hill breaking a bunch of bones and died. My parents picked me up within 2 hours and the car ride home was silent. I brought this up to my mother recently and she was completely dumb founded. My mom told me that she was called from the camp manager that night saying that a big fight erupted and that me and a few other boys were harassing the other campers. I don't know what to make of it, but it was real to 6, 8 year-old's.
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